How many gallons of soil are in a bag of Coco G...
There are 10 gallons of soil in each bag.
How many gallons of soil are in a bag of Coco G...
There are 10 gallons of soil in each bag.
Can DaKine 420 nutrients be used with soil? If ...
Yes, our nutrients can be used with soil. On our website feed calculator, you can choose between hydro/soil. The instructions are the same. The recommended pH changes a little bit...
Can DaKine 420 nutrients be used with soil? If ...
Yes, our nutrients can be used with soil. On our website feed calculator, you can choose between hydro/soil. The instructions are the same. The recommended pH changes a little bit...
Is DaKine 420 Foliar Science organic?
None of our products are OMRI rated but they're all food grade, mineral based.
Is DaKine 420 Foliar Science organic?
None of our products are OMRI rated but they're all food grade, mineral based.
Does your Pure Coco have perlite?
DaKine 420 Pure Coco does NOT have perlite. Our Coco Lite blend does include perlite and our OG Blend has perlite and a number of other ingredients. The Pure Coco...
Does your Pure Coco have perlite?
DaKine 420 Pure Coco does NOT have perlite. Our Coco Lite blend does include perlite and our OG Blend has perlite and a number of other ingredients. The Pure Coco...
What is the recommended temperature to keep the...
The general temp that we recommend to have the best results is 68-72 degrees F.
What is the recommended temperature to keep the...
The general temp that we recommend to have the best results is 68-72 degrees F.
Does Shock and Awe improve yield, terpenes, and...
We have had customers get as much as a 10% increase in yields from adding our Shock and Awe, as much as 6% increase in THC percentage and 2-4% increases...
Does Shock and Awe improve yield, terpenes, and...
We have had customers get as much as a 10% increase in yields from adding our Shock and Awe, as much as 6% increase in THC percentage and 2-4% increases...